
If you are seeking a research position:

We are accepting applications for Postdoc, Ph.D., research scientist, visiting researcher and internship positions.

Our team is highly inter-disciplinary and anti-disciplinary. From science to art, design to engineering, you will always find your perfect position. We encourage both independent thinking and interactive collaboration. We hope we grow as a team with radical concepts that require insights across different fields. We work across scales as well. Whether you work on microsystems or architectures, you are welcome to contact us.

When you apply, please send an email to Prof. Lining Yao:

If you are a maker/designer/artist, please include: a CV and digital portfolio. Demonstrating processes such as sketching, model making, CAD, 3D and rendering are as important as showing a final piece. Radical concepts and beliefs are highly appreciated.

If you are a scientist or engineer working on fundamental theories or experiments, please include a CV, narratives of your research experiences, diagrams and experimental results.

If you are seeking to collaborate or sponsor a project:

We works with a variety of academic, commercial, nonprofit, and government partners to make our morphing future a reality.

We collaboratively work with our partners to develop new technologies and processes targeting user interface, manufacturing, and product performance. The lab provides a unique opportunity for companies to have access to an invaluable space of creativity and invention.

The lab is generously supported annually by grants, gifts and sponsored research. To inquire about partnering with the Morphing Matter Lab please use the email below:

Email of Prof. Lining Yao


Visit Our Lab

Newell Simon Hall 3612, 5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15232


Prof. Lining Yao

Administrative Assistant:
Eric Davidson