Parmis Mokhtari-Dizaji
About me
Hi! My name is Parmis Mokhtari-Dizaji. I live in Boston, and I am a sophomore at Phillips Exeter Academy.
I am really excited to be part of this workshop!! Through this project, I hope to gain more experience with robotic morphing materials, and be able to apply what I learn to future projects.
Day 1
Ideation Sketch
Photos of the Experiment
Videos of the Experiment
Day 2
Photos of the Experiment
Videos of the Experiment
Day 3: My Final Project
Project Concept Description
My project is about taking unnatural materials to mimic a natural organism: a flower!
Idea Sketches
Photos of the Experiment
Videos of the Experiment
My Final Presentation

Computational Design
Project Concept Description
I explored different shapes for bases, and added cuts and beads to mimic real coral. I looked at both sharper and softer edges.